20 augustus 2022
Ik ben zwanger van zand.
15 augustus 2022
I hate the city lights
They deprive me from the ocean above the ozon
15 augustus 2022
I had to leave to see the sea
A poem I wrote for you
Every single day
(i had to leave)
with bushhair peeking through my baby blue bathing suit
rather naked than asleep
what id feel, emptiness without it
soft colliding my skin
i can't tell if it's reality
the world seems so 2D

baby blue sky with white lines, stacked, clouds and fire peeking through

i had to leave to see the sea
whe words i gave to you
the world i gave to you
every single day
every cartwheel on the wetsand
stabilizing the hips
with bushhair peeping through
18 september 2022
I had to leave to see the sea
A poem I wrote for you
Every single day
(i had to leave)
bushhair peeking through (my) baby blue bathing suit
rather naked than asleep
id feel, emptiness without it
soft colliding my skin
the world seems so..

baby blue skies, white lines, stacked clouds, fire peeking through

i had to leave to see the sea
whe words i gave to,
the world i gave to you

every single day

every cartwheel on wetsand
stabilizing the hips
with bushhair peeping through
15 augustus 2022
I told you,
tide and time again
that i had to leave
to see feel hear touch (screach)
the sea

so it couldnt have come as a suprise when i moved away from you and i, the future and the past, to be present, near, dear,

it couldnt have been a suprise, deep down inside you knew that i was a longing child, an angry teemmob all day, in my worst nightmares baby,
i had to leave
to feel the ocean present on my skin,
to breath arobiotics and heal from within,
to carve seashells on to my skin,
to break down, like all that decays in the ocean, to form new sans, new waves, new life, to watch it pass it all behind,
dear, you know,

i had to leave to be
the sea
6 september 2022
Crazy shit heartbreak
Cherubim - The one who blesses

We all have different reasons for forgetting to breath. I hope you find peace. I hope that now you're somewhere in the cosmos you can relax a bit. Hang around in a hangmat screeching 'see you l8er alligator' and laughing.

I hope you laugh alot
I hope you find happiness
I hope you found what you were looking for.
Wie in de cosmos zijt
I hope you sing
Volksliederen, Andre Hazes, of een kroegenlied... Annie, houd jij mun tassie ff vast?! want die gooozer wil met muh daaansu, Annie, geeft jij muhn tassie maar weer trug want die goozer, die ken nie daaaanse
28 juli 2022
28 juli 2022
Ongesteld zijn heeft iets liefs

Daar lig je met je buikje

Je navelzweet

Het hobbeltje

De haartjes

De kusjes

Daar lig je met je buikje

Witte randen om goedkope kanten
De strand pen
23 juli 2022
22 JULI 2022
zeewier valt uit m'n broek als schaamhaar
recollection of a memory
>babs durft niet in het water. ze is voor de eerste keer mee. meestal zijn het thijs en ik alleen. bij uitstek ben ik een kind; zij de kunstenaar. (er zijn verschillende dingen om voor te leven)

ze pakt de strandpen op en begint in het natte zand te tekenen -- een hele andere insteek van haar alledaagse praktijk, zo'n nieuwe stap en ook zo'n sterke handtekening
16 feb 2022
waarmee het allemaal begon
denk ik althans
ik herinner mezelf rennen, schoenen uit trappend

i follow rivers style